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Saturday, 23 June 2012

Beautiful Thankyou from a Beautiful Bride!

Hi Jodie,
I've finally got some free time after the wedding and honeymoon rollercoaster/fairytale to sit and write my thanks and appreciation for working your hair and makeup magic on me and my Sisters!  
You were part of the foundations of what was the best day I've ever had!  Your chilled out, relaxed nature helped make the whole getting ready process so enjoyable.  And you're just so nice!  And of top of that, your hairstyling and makeup skills were fabulous.  With not really knowing exactly what I wanted my hair and makeup to be like, I'm so so glad that I trusted your suggestions, experience and creativity and honestly Jodie, I felt a million dollars - I was well in danger of forming an ego!  But in all seriosness, to feel gorgeous on my wedding day was just the best feeling ever and my hair and makeup were a massive contributing factor, so thank you thank you!
If you can remember, would you be able to let me know what foundation you used on me - I should really invest in some proper makeup basics, so your recommendations would be much appreciated.  
I'll be sure to recommend you to anyone and everyone (not that you need it with the sounds of how busy you have been).  All the best wishes for your married life and whatever your future holds,
Love from Gemma (Mrs Warburton!)

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